How to easy way to start a business online

Ian Putra Maulana - No doubt, today more and more people are looking for ways to start an online business, whether it's to earn extra income or who really want to focus jump in this pathway as a primary source of income.

And maybe you are currently reading this article, also is beginning to gather information about how to do business online. Right ...?

Here I want to share experiences on how to start a business via the internet, plus the necessary steps when starting an online business, the core things that are important to do so that your business can be directly executed.

"For that, let me tell you ..."

I still remember, once when first starting an online business everything looks like absurd. Many doubt ...

Then, there was the questions in the self such as:
  1. Can not ya online business is run?
  2. Suitable what made me do not ya?
  3. What steps do I need to be able road journey?
  4. How much capital will be needed?
  5. ... And a myriad of other questions.
Although there is no definite benchmark measures what really should be done, in my opinion briefly, there are three main things we can prepare. What are these measures?

Keep listening ...

The First Step ..

product research, business onlinePertama of all is decide what you want to sell.

Before actually undergo a business cycle, you have to practice to sell via the Internet first. Approximately what would you offer to other people through online media.

Do research products, and whenever possible look for products that sell quickly and fast-moving. This means that there are many who need or market. So that we can participate in the spirit of this live online sales activities.

It's nothing really, but if our products which require little or market too narrow, usually we would easily give up because the merchandise not being sold. * Personal experience *:-p

Regarding the type of product, can form a physical product, service, or digital.
  • Examples of physical goods, herbal soaps, herbal medicine, watches, smartphones, motorcycles, cars, food, trinkets accessories, home and building, and what can you catch.
  • Examples of digital goods, could be an ebook, information products, online courses, software.
  • Examples of services, able to provide website development services, online marketing services, car rental, tour & travel agents, agents Umrah & Hajj, and other services. 
Do not be too detailed, which is important you have the big picture of your plans and understand the patterns of online marketing.

Well, based on my experience as well, this first step is the hardest.


Because we must develop our business concept, looking for ideas, looking for suppliers, and even would not want to have to learn the science of business. Then the obstacle is, sometimes we want everything perfect. And finally do not even roads.

If I may advice, for this initial stage should not be too detailed first. You must be willing to invest the time, effort, and possibly money, to learn.

Then start by selling other people's products, can the concept dropship, resellers, as well as partnerships with manufacturers.

For example: insurance agents, estate agents and property, travel agents, selling clothes / fashion products with the concept of consignment, etc .. etc .. loads ..

So at this early stage you are not burdened with huge production costs and losses can be minimal.
Step Two ..

The next tips online business is to create a website.
This website will we use as our workshop shanties online or in cyberspace.

Well, this website will also ours we can make it as a referral center site when we want to spread online promotion through social media, forums, marketplace, or other selling sites.

In the process of making a website, you will be more struggling with things that are technical in nature, such as learning to install the application site, and perhaps a bit of learning web programming language.

Not to worry, do not rush to say "I am clueless", "do not understand the technology", "I'm not a college kid", and other similar words.

Because we will create a website that is a type of website that is practical, do not use complicated. The term cool, stay "plug and play" ... plug and wear ...

After all, this is where the challenge of doing business online.

To create such a website, you will need a domain name and hosting.So what is a domain? And what is hosting?
  • Domain is the name of your website, for example: Like the house, the domain name is the address of your home. So try when you decide to create a domain name, customize with your name, or topic of your website, or your business type.
  • Hosting is a place to put your domain name and website files forming. If you use the analogy of a house on, the hosting is like land. The greater the capacity of hosting, it will be more knowledgeable of land the size of your home.
Domain and hosting is a unity, and can not be separated in a website.

About how to make his website, could the method of free website and paid website.Like what? I will discuss briefly here.

Paid Website
This method requires us to use their own domain and hosting.

That is, we have to find a domain name for our website address, and then hire a hosting to be combined with the domain.

If I may be honest, this is the way I most recommend. Its advantages are many, and one of them is to have your own domain address, an online business we will be more professional in the eyes of consumers and more believable.

For the early stages, you may not need a hosting capacity is too large.

You can prepare money for rent hosting 150 thousand and 100 thousand to buy a domain name.

But remember, the domain name is only valid for one year, so next year if you still want to use it, you must do the extension. So also for hosting.

Free Website

Maybe for those who really just started, would say ...
using their own domain and hosting costs, and I am still hesitant to use it ...

Um ... quiet ...To my knowledge, there are several free blog providers are already quite well known, some of WordPress, Blogspot, Typepad, Posterous, Tumblr, and much more.

However, if I may suggest, use WordPress or Blogspot. Since both the blog providers already widely known by Internet users in the world, and also more easily recognized by search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Examples of websites that use these facilities free website, among others:

Blogspot =

You can see, no frills facility provider name of the free website.

Though using the free website sometimes considered less professional, but this is still pretty good for the early stages. Later, when your business is already running, and start no income, you could consider an upgrade to use the domain and paid hosting.
Simple is the Best

This is an example of a website that has been proven to bring in sales many times. Please see this post:
The third step ..Once your website so you can fill it with information products / services that you have. Fill in your website content convincingly. Do not just copy and paste, but try to use words that are appropriate for your post on the website. Since this will be a means of promotion and your online office.

Then for its web content material, I suggest that a simple first course which shall include information:
  • Business profiles.
  • Gallery pictures of products / services and description.
  • Complete business address with a way to contact you.
  • How to order and his order form.

Promote ...

online business promotion

Yes, if the existing website content, especially if not further promote your business website. The goal is to obtain traffic / traffic to our website.

You can start by utilizing social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and other social media sites that you understand. To my knowledge, this is the fastest way to disseminate information of your business. Especially if you have a number of friends / followers are already quite a lot, it would be very helpful.

Then, you can begin to display the products and services on sites like Kaskus forums, and sites like Bukalapak Marketplace, Shop Good (now OLX.CO.ID), Tokopedia, etc.

In addition, for the promotion of a more level "Advance", namely through search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing SEO techniques. It is more technical, because we have to understand how optimization in order to occupy the sites in the first page of a search engine, with a particular keyword. But it was with the understanding the pattern of this SEO, online marketing and business mindset we will be sharper.

Ohya, as I alluded to earlier in the "Step Two - Creating a Website". The website that we created earlier we will use as a reference center of online promotion that we do. That is, once people get information about the products / services from social media sites, forums, marketplace, as well as Google and other search engines, of course, they wondered who the hell are selling products / services. And in the end they will visit your site to get more info on about who you are and what your product.

This momentum! We must not lose prospects because we do not have "online office" due to lack of disbelief prospective customers to our online presence.

What is that? Yes, the website that we just created ...

So really take advantage of this momentum to provide a convincing response.

Furthermore, waking relationship with the visitors, give the information they need. Maybe they do not directly buy your product, but when they get the required information, then their confidence will grow, so the chances of them buying your product on the greater.

The main target of the utilization of our website, is the first contact with potential customers. Furthermore, it is up to you. Want to use the follow-up by email kah, whether by phone, or visit directly on the spot whether, please.

Well, that's a great picture of a three-step how to start an online business.

Conclusion: CTPM is the key.
C = Content, create informative content and targeted consumer
T = Traffic, bring traffic through search engines / social media / word of mouth
P = Pre-selling, build rapport with the audience / visitors
M = Monetize, offer solutions required by prospective customers

Search Mentor!For those of you who want to learn more serious about online business, I suggest to look for a mentor. He will guide you in the early days of building a business.

I have some on the site belongs to the mentors or the practitioner who is experienced and, God willing, to get you started learning online business:

Remember, you want to do is build a BUSINESS, not just a mere selling. So we also have to think to build assets, which are assets that will be working for us.

Do not get when we've managed to build up laborious effort, but ultimately the expense of other things just because of our busy taking care of business.

You would also want to have time with family, loved ones, or do other useful things instead?

And just like any other kind of business, when you decide to build an online business course there are some things you should consider.

However, of all things, the most important is your mindset.

Factors determining the success of a business, 95% is determined by the quality of the human person. These are the things that are non-technical. And the rest is technical in nature.

You can only have the expertise to create a sophisticated web, with a variety of features and look cool.

But if you do not have a vision for your ability, do not have the passion to learn and survive, so the same, your business will be that much-much alone.

Keep could be providing value added for the people around you, for the good of others. By doing so, you will find the reason why you are doing business online.

Is not the main goal of our business in addition to earning also to be able to serve more people and more useful for others?

And if deemed tips on how to start an online business is useful, share it with friends, relatives, even your spouse, and especially for those who are in need of additional income in order to immediately take action to change a better life again.

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